Storyteller. Beauty Seeker. Moment Capturer.

A compassionate, loose leaf tea loving, bullet journal using, woman of action. I believe in living in the truth of the moment and always seeking the beauty even when it is not easily seen. I spend my time hiking through breath taking fairytale forests in Georgia, finding new and exciting craft breweries with my husband, and taking late night runs with moody electronic music bouncing in my ears.  

I am a storyteller. For years, I have been in love with the idea of capturing journeys. For many years of my life, the written word was my palette of choice. With a Masters in English, I poured over inky pages for hours trying to find that magic spark that made the story come alive. Now, I use moments frozen in time to weave together stories. Breathing life into a story in a way only captured truth can.

I am a traveller. I have explored and lived all over the world with most of my experience revolving around Germany. I often journey back there to meet up with my husband’s family. Travel helps us see the world from different perspectives and allows us to become more empathic and open minded to those around us who have lived differently. It is the contrast of different colors in a quilt that makes it beautiful.

I am an aesthete. Whether it is photography, painting, music, or writing, the act of creating is true beauty. L'art pour l'art. I believe that the very last bit of magic here on earth is caught in the ideal of art itself. Whether it is a piece of music that takes you back to a specific time in your life, or a photo that instantly invokes the feeling of that moment captured in time, there is power in art. Art is beauty. Art is magic. 

And that is what you are doing, you are creating. A new stage in a relationship, a new milestone in life: you are creating art and magic. 

Other Things I love

The best Boi

This is Jori, the best boi (official title).

He is the most beloved member of our household, and has lived in two countries. A true globe trotter.

His full title is Jori the best boi first of his name, king of snoozing during long editing sessions, protector from movement outside of the house, ruler of the wilds of the backyard, cutest fluff ball in the house. Long may he reign.


Ink on a Page

Something about wet ink on a page is nourishing to me. The possibility of a blank page is only rivaled by the feeling just before a photo shoot starts. There is something in the infinite possibility that is present at the beginning of creation. Daily drivers seen here are the Lamy Dialog and the Pilot Falcon you must have the right tools, after all. Right?!?


This Man

As handsome as he is smart, this is my partner in crime, the one who is always game for all my crazy shenanigans, my travel partner, my fellow star gazer, and over all best friend. We met under shooting stars and ten years later pledged our souls to each other under the same meteor shower. He is the reason I am here in Georgia, and thank goodness for that.


Just for Fun

Little bits of me

I have traveled to Germany, France, The Netherlands, Austria, The Czech Republic, Coroatia, and Panama. ( I lived in Germany and Panama)

I am a classically trained singer. Mozart is my jam, but Puccini is my secret love. (Come on who isn't blown away by Madama Butterfly?)

I have written three novels. Not published... yet.

I am fluent in German. Angeblich habe ich einen niedlichen Akzent.

I run a table top RPG. Before you is a dense sprawling forest. You hear a noise. What do you do?


Christine and Jordan

“"Best photography experience, and of course the photos captured our wedding day perfectly! I know close to nothing about being photographed but that was no problem for Michone who knows all the tips/tricks, poses, best backdrops, etc. Don't even get me going on her ability to photograph light! I have never felt more beautiful! She is Supreme!!"”

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